We are not serving alcohol from beginning

In the vibrant array of dining establishments, a single one has maintained its distinct brand since 1979. Mumtaz has its roots deeply rooted in the tradition of food is a stand out as a place to go for those looking for exceptional food with no alcohol. This dedication to sobriety has not only defined the city of Mumtaz, but also contributed to its history as a culinary institution.

Since its beginning, Mumtaz made a bold choice to not serve alcohol. In a time where a lot of establishments relied on the sale of alcohol to increase profit margins, Mumtaz stood in its conviction that the best dining experience can be achieved without the use of alcohol drinks. This decision set the scene for a truly unique culinary experience that was defined by innovativeness and dedication in the field of non-alcoholic food.

Mumtaz’s menu is an example of the concept that food of high quality doesn’t require alcohol in order to be enjoyed. The restaurant has meticulously selected an array of diverse dishes that are each one a masterpiece in their own right. From delicious biryanis with aromatic spices to mouth-watering Kebabs, the restaurant has been captivating the palates of its patrons for more than four decades, showing that alcohol-free dining is not the same as an absence of class in eating out.

A refreshing alternative to alcohol-based drinks, Mumtaz introduced the iconic Mango Lassi to its menu. This non-alcoholic beverage, created with fresh mangoes as well as yogurt, sugar and a touch of spice, is now synonymous with Mumtaz’s dedication to offering fresh and unique alternatives. Mango Lassi’s popularity stretches beyond local limits, attracting patrons from all over the world who are eager to enjoy this delicious non-alcoholic treat.

Mumtaz’s choice to keep a dry atmosphere has unintentionally created a family-friendly space in the dining scene. People looking for an energising and welcoming space have found refuge in Mumtaz’s welcoming and warm ambience. Alcohol is not a factor, which creates a relaxed atmosphere in which customers can be focused on the conversations, the company and most importantly, on the wonderful tastes of their meals.

In a society in which alcohol takes the main in the spotlight in our dining experiences, Mumtaz has remained with a firm hand in its dedication in sobriety ever since. The restaurant’s success is not just in its delicious dishes, but in its commitment to creating a truly memorable dining experience, without alcohol. While Mumtaz continues to flourish and flourish, it is proud to proclaim that culinary excellence is more than the need for alcohol and invites patrons to enjoy the depth of flavour and the warmth of a warm welcome in the setting that is completely alcohol-free.

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386-410 Great Horton Rd,


BD7 3HS.

Phone01274 571861


Saturday        14:00 to 23:30 pm

Sunday           14:00 to 23:30 pm

Monday          15:00 to 23:30 pm

Tuesday         15:00 to 23:30 pm

Thursday        15:00 to 23:30 pm

 Friday              15:00 to 23:30 pm